This is a demonstration site of Labcommons.

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LabCommons Laboratory


Name(en)Daisuke Tanaka
Post, GradeAssociate professor
Research theme
Research outline
Profile(en)Trial production software development and various research-and-development services are provided for [ of a country, the research section of a company, or a university ] laboratories.
It handles from the consultant of demonstration exhibition centering on technical appeal to construction through a research-and-development service enterprise.
It is engaged also in the technology communication field as a National Science Museum authorization science communicater.

Name(en)Ren Sato
Post, GradeMaster 2
Research themeAnalyze of "An investigation of the relationship between visitor's impression evaluation of engineering exhibition booths and its composition".
Research outlineIn order to unify and examine the viewpoint of social participation at the viewpoint of scientific exhibition of the impression evaluation to the exhibition booth of engineering system research exhibition, and the viewpoint of commercial exhibition, results of an investigation are analyzed.
Profile(en)Experience of psychology is harnessed and a central role of investigation analysis is played.
The development of visualization application to which the development experience was put is also its favorite.

Name(en)Yua Takahashi
Post, GradeMaster 1
Research themeBasic investigation of "An investigation of the relationship between visitor's impression evaluation of engineering exhibition booths and its composition"
Research outlineBasic investigation for unifying and examining the viewpoint of social participation at the viewpoint of scientific exhibition of the impression evaluation to the exhibition booth of engineering system research exhibition and the viewpoint of commercial exhibition is conducted.
Profile(en)It works focusing on technical exhibition case research and the impression evaluation investigation to the exhibition booth in question paper.
Something is observed with the transmitted text which is talked and transmitted.

Name(en)Yuma Suzuki
Post, GradeSenior
Research themeVerification of "An investigation of the relationship between visitor's impression evaluation of engineering exhibition booths and its composition"
Research outlineThe analysis result of the impression evaluation to the exhibition booth of engineering system research exhibition is verified.
Profile(en)A communications protocol library and inclusion development of a kernel are experienced.
National Science Museum authorization science communicater.
Also experience which enacted the guest speaker in the science cafe.
